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Online Platforms for ICT Content Development


Presentations and visuals are very effective communication tools because they simplify complex information into forms that are easy to understand. They take concepts and turn them into appealing narratives by using slides, pictures, graphs, and videos. To make sure everyone understands the topic, simplicity is essential. Simple content and eye-catching design elements help. Through captivating storytelling content, these media make a lasting impression in many ways by connecting the gap between complex ideas and easily understood concepts.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a revolutionary technology that changes how data is processed, visited, and stored. It makes use of distant servers that are reachable over the internet rather than local servers or hardware. This method provides on-demand, scalable, and adaptable access to a range of computing resources, including servers, software, and storage

Social Media

Online communities and platforms that facilitate content creation and sharing, together with social networking, are referred to as social media. These platforms provide social interaction, self-expression, and the sharing of a variety of material types, including text, photos, videos, and links for individuals and organizations. Modern communication is significantly impacted by social media, which has changed how individuals communicate, engage, and maintain connections.

Digital Divide

The Global Digital Divide is a clear line that separates those who have access to technology from those who do not. Those living on the outskirts of today's connected society have easy access to digital resources. As we investigate the various levels of this digital divide, it becomes clear that it is a clear representation of socioeconomic disparities rather than just technology. 


One of the most major obstacles is the high cost of digital gadgets.
Tools turn into status symbols. Education, a fundamental right, becomes a casualty as the digital divide affects the core of digital literacy and extends beyond access. Geographic differences worsen the problem by taking away people living in rural areas of the facilities required for online access.


Rather than just being a static barrier, the global digital gap is a dynamic factor that changes in tandem with technological progress. To bridge this gap, we must all agree that the internet should be a welcoming place for all users. Everyone should be able to benefit from the opportunities presented by the digital era through our personal digital journeys so that we all have the ability to make a difference.

​ICT as Platform for Change

Technology has impacted our world in so many different ways. From transportation, entertainment, communication through phones and the internet, our modernday technology has allowed us to collaborate on worldwide issues.

The online world allowed us to express ourselves. It has also became a place for people to share their views and debate with one another. It is so powerful that people use it as a place to campaign for change. Especially nowadays, social media posts are such a strong booster to advocacy efforts, potentially reaching a wider audience. Take the Million People March for example; 400,000 people came to Luneta Pa
rk, protesting for the total abolition of the Pork Barrel fund after the protest was promoted through Facebook and


And we can even the ongoing war between Israel and Palestine. On a global level, thousands, if not millions of people protest everyday, sharing their opinions and fighting for their take.

Technology's impact in all aspects of our lives has transformed how we communicate, come together, and advocate for societal shifts. It has become a driving force for the voices and the formation of movements, proving its profound impact on shaping the modern world and its ongoing political and social landscape, from enhancing global communication to serving as a platform for activism and awareness.

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